Certified Recycling
and disposal of equipment to environmental standards.

Office copiers, printers, computers, servers other electronics often contain heavy metals such as selenium and lead. These heavy metals are toxic and may damage the environment and ground water supplies if the equipment is sent to a landfill.
Schock Logistics can provide you with various options regarding the reuse, recycling, and/or ecological disposal of your electronic devices. These options include:
- Having the machine reused or parted out by a local technician.
- Having the machine recycled and receiving a certificate of destruction.
Depending on your geographic location, Schock Logistics can provide clients with various recycling certifications including: HIPAA, R2, ISO14001, ISO9001, OHSAS18001, NAID, and eSteward.
Recycle shipments can be certified by the load or for an additional fee, by the serial number.
To learn more about the destructive practices of machines being exported overseas, please watch the PBS News Hour video below.