Data Security
overwrites of sensitive data contained on hard drives.

Many digital copiers retain a copy of every print ever made on their hard drive. Your copier hard drive may contain memorized copies of documents with social security numbers, tax returns, medical information, credit card information, or more. This data can be mined by criminal technicians (see CBS News video below).
Please keep in mind that most used copiers are shipped overseas to developing nations where there is little or no regulation of data security.
Schock Logistics can protect you and your firm by performing one of the data security services below.
Note: As you go down this list, the level of security increases.
- Destination overwrite: An overwrite of your hard drive is performed at a U.S. destination, by a trained technician. You receive a certificate of completion. Available only at select destinations. Approximately $300.
- Origin overwrite: An overwrite of your hard drive is performed at your location, by a trained technician. You receive a technician checklist confirming completion. Available at select locations. Approximately $375.
- Standard replacement: A trained technician replaces the hard drive at your location. New software is installed, returning the copier to full functionality. The old hard drive is given to you for safekeeping/destruction. Not available on some models. Available at select locations. Approximately $475.
- Premium replacement: A trained technician replaces the hard drive at your location. New software is installed, returning the copier to full functionality. The old hard drive is placed in a secure lockbox, shipped to a single location in the U.S. by FedEx, and shredded per NAID standards. You receive a certificate of hard drive destruction upon completion. Not available on some models. Available at select locations. Approximately $550.
Data security services performed at origin include a free deinstallation.